Ed Farrell Fine Art Photography
E d w a r d  W.  F a r r e l l    P h o t  o  g  r  a  p  h  y  

V i e t n a m   G a l l e r y 
I had the opportunity to visit Vietnam in November 2015. It was a short visit but I had the chance to explore a little of Ho Chi Minh City (Saigon) and Da Lat in the central highlands.
Ho Chi Minh City, Looking East

The huge sprawl of Ho Chi Minh City, looking east from the observation deck of the Bitexco Tower in District 1.
Print ID: HCMCLE20151118
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O t h e r   P h o t o   D a t a
Date: November 6, 2015
Ricoh GR, 28mm
File size: 4352x3264
Ho Chi Minh City, Looking West

The huge sprawl of Ho Chi Minh City, looking west from the observation deck of the Bitexco Tower in District 1.
Print ID: HCMCLW20151118
Prints available in the following sizes.
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O t h e r   P h o t o   D a t a
Date: November 6, 2015
Sony A6000, Leica Summilux
File size: 6000x4000
Ho Chi Minh City, Looking South

The huge sprawl of Ho Chi Minh City, looking south from the observation deck of the Bitexco Tower in District 1.
Print ID: HCMCLS20151118
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O t h e r   P h o t o   D a t a
Date: November 6, 2015
Ricoh GR, 28mm
File size: 4352x3264
Ho Chi Minh City, New Construction, Looking North

New high-rise construction in Ho Chi Minh City, looking north from the observation deck of the Bitexco Tower in District 1.
Print ID: HCMCNCLN20151118
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O t h e r   P h o t o   D a t a
Date: November 6, 2015
Ricoh GR, 28mm
File size: 4352x3264
Morning, Phu Dong Traffic Circle, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

Motorbikes navigating the Phu Dong traffic circle in District 1.
Print ID: MPDTCHCMCV20151118
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O t h e r   P h o t o   D a t a
Date: November 6, 2015
Ricoh GR, 28mm
File size: 4352x3264
Nighttime, Phu Dong Traffic Circle, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

Night time on Vong xoay Phu Dong in Ho Chi Minh City's District 1.
Print ID: NPDTCHCMCV20151118
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O t h e r   P h o t o   D a t a
Date: November 7, 2015
Ricoh GR, 28mm
File size: 4352x3264
Colorful Shop Fronts, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

Colorful shops featuring custom made signs, near the financial district of District 1.
Print ID: CSFHCMCV20151118
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O t h e r   P h o t o   D a t a
Date: November 6, 2015
Ricoh GR, 28mm
File size: 4352x3264
Greenhouses and Leek Fields, Da Lat, Vietnam

Colorful leek fields in Da Lat, along with ubiquitous greenhouses.
Print ID: GLFDLV20151118
Prints available in the following sizes.
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O t h e r   P h o t o   D a t a
Date: November 10, 2015
Sony A6000, Leica Summilux
File size: 6000x4000
Mountain Alleyway, Da Lat, Vietnam

Steep alleyways like this one are a frequent sight in hilly Da Lat.
Print ID: MADLV20151118
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O t h e r   P h o t o   D a t a
Date: November 9, 2015
Ricoh GR, 28mm
File size: 4352x3264
Evening, Bach Dang Village, Da Lat, Vietnam

Bach Dang village, a tiny satillite community in Da Lat.
Print ID: EBDVDLV20151118
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O t h e r   P h o t o   D a t a
Date: November 9, 2015
Ricoh GR, 28mm
File size: 4352x3264
Downtown Da Lat

Light traffic in downtown Da Lat under thundery skies.
Print ID: DDL20151118
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O t h e r   P h o t o   D a t a
Date: November 10, 2015
Ricoh GR, 28mm
File size: 4352x3264
Restaurant and Boutique Row, Da Lat, Vietnam

Street view of Da Lat boutiques and art shops, from the Da Quy (Wild Sunflower) restaurant.
Print ID: RBRDLV20151118
Prints available in the following sizes.
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O t h e r   P h o t o   D a t a
Date: November 10, 2015
Ricoh GR, 28mm
File size: 4352x3264
The 'Crazy House', Da Lat, Vietnam

View from the top of Da Lat's 'crazy house,' a Gaudi inspired work in progress in central Da Lat.
Print ID: HDLV20151118
Prints available in the following sizes.
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O t h e r   P h o t o   D a t a
Date: November 10, 2015
Ricoh GR, 28mm
File size: 4352x3264
Tended Bamboo Grove, Truc Lam Zen Monastery, Da Lat ,Vietnam

Thick clusters of bamboo and pine trees at the Truc Lam Zen monastery.
Print ID: TBGTLZMDL20151118
Prints available in the following sizes.
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O t h e r   P h o t o   D a t a
Date: November 11, 2015
Ricoh GR, 28mm
File size: 4352x3264
A l l  P h o t o  G a l l e r i e s 
Photo of the month 
New Additions 
Alaska (aerial) 
British Columbia, Bella Coola 
California, Alabama Hills 
California, central coast 
California, central valley 
California, Death Valley 
California, Livermore Valley 
California, Sierra north 
California, Sierra south 
California, White Mountains 
California, Yosemite 
California, southern coast 
Europe, Russia 
Europe, Spain 
Europe, Italy 
Mexico, Michoacan 
Mexico, Monte Alban 
Midwestern US, Chicago 
Northwest, Cascades 
Northwest, Oregon Coast 
Northwest, Puget Sound 
Northwest, Toad Mountain 
Southwest, New Mexico 
Southeast Asia, Vietnam 
Close ups, flowers 
O t h e r   I n f o r m a t i o n 
Artist's Bio 
Purchase Prints 
B l o g  
April, 2015 
March, 2015 
February, 2015 

All site contents copyright 2015 by Edward W. Farrell
This page last updated on 2015.11.18