Ed Farrell Fine Art Photography
E d w a r d  W.  F a r r e l l    P h o t  o  g  r  a  p  h  y  

S o u t h e r n   C a l i f o r n i a   G a l l e r y 
Redondo Beach, North

Redondo Beach on a warm spring afternoon. Scenes like this show Southern California at its best--no smog, grafitti, or endless ticky-tack as far as the eye can see.
Prints available in the following sizes.
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O t h e r   P h o t o   D a t a
April 17, 2009
Nikon D700
28-70mm zoom (at 70mm)
Hand held
f18, 1/250 second
ISO 200
Redondo Beach, South

Redondo Beach, looking south towards the Palos Verdes hills.
Prints available in the following sizes.
Please query for stock use.
O t h e r   P h o t o   D a t a
April 17, 2009
Nikon D700
28-70mm zoom (at 56mm)
Hand held
f18, 1/400 second
ISO 200
Beach Houses At White's Point

These homes are right on the stormy edge of the sea, but they clearly exist for weather like this.
Prints available in the following sizes.
Please query for stock use.
O t h e r   P h o t o   D a t a
April 17, 2009
Nikon D700
28-70mm zoom (at 70mm)
Hand held
f18, 1/160 second
ISO 200
Land's End, Whites's Point

View northwest overlooking White's Point.
Prints available in the following sizes.
Please query for stock use.
O t h e r   P h o t o   D a t a
April 17, 2009
Nikon D700
28-70mm zoom (at 62mm)
Hand held
f18, 1/320 second
ISO 200
Looking North from Point Fermin

Looking north from Point Fermin towards Whites Point (middle distance to the right)
Prints available in the following sizes.
Please query for stock use.
O t h e r   P h o t o   D a t a
April 16, 2009
Nikon D700
28-70mm zoom (at 40mm)
Hand held
f22, 1/500 second
ISO 200
Looking South from Point Fermin

Looking south from Point Fermin towards Long Beach. In the left distance the breakwater protrudes over the top of the hill; above it the container ships are lined up to enter the harbor.
Prints available in the following sizes.
Please query for stock use.
O t h e r   P h o t o   D a t a
April 16, 2009
Nikon D700
28-70mm zoom (at 70mm)
Hand held
f14, 1/320 second
ISO 200
Point Fermin Light House

The Point Fermin lighthouse was the first navigational beacon for San Pedro bay, and was built in 1874.
Prints available in the following sizes.
Please query for stock use.
O t h e r   P h o t o   D a t a
April 16, 2009
Nikon D700
28-70mm zoom (at 32mm)
Hand held
f14, 1/400 second
ISO 200
Wayfarer's Chapel

Lloyd Wright (Frank Lloyd Wright's son) designed this chapel, which was built in 1951 on a knoll over the ocean in Palos Verdes, California. A wedding was in progress when I arrived here so I had a little while to roam the grounds and visitors center. This view was obtained by crouching in the northwest corner of the chapel and peering across to the south east corner, towards the chancel.

Prints available in the following sizes.
Please query for stock use.
O t h e r   P h o t o   D a t a
April 17, 2009
Nikon D700
28-70mm zoom (at 28mm)
Hand held
f11, 1/160 second
ISO 200
Wayfarer's Chapel

Close up of the south-east corner of the chapel; the windows over the chancel.
Prints available in the following sizes.
Please query for stock use.
O t h e r   P h o t o   D a t a
April 17, 2009
Nikon D700
28-70mm zoom (at 28mm)
Hand held
f11, 1/125 second
ISO 200
Wayfarer's Chapel

This is the chancel portion of the chapel with the first four lines of the Lord's prayer engraved in the stones.
Prints available in the following sizes.
Please query for stock use.
O t h e r   P h o t o   D a t a
April 17, 2009
Nikon D700
28-70mm zoom (at 28mm)
Hand held
f10, 1/320 second
ISO 200
A l l  P h o t o  G a l l e r i e s 
Photo of the month 
New Additions 
Alaska (aerial) 
British Columbia, Bella Coola 
California, Alabama Hills 
California, central coast 
California, central valley 
California, Death Valley 
California, Livermore Valley 
California, Sierra north 
California, Sierra south 
California, White Mountains 
California, Yosemite 
California, southern coast 
Europe, Russia 
Europe, Spain 
Europe, Italy 
Mexico, Michoacan 
Mexico, Monte Alban 
Midwestern US, Chicago 
Northwest, Cascades 
Northwest, Oregon Coast 
Northwest, Puget Sound 
Northwest, Toad Mountain 
Southwest, New Mexico 
Southeast Asia, Vietnam 
Close ups, flowers 
O t h e r   I n f o r m a t i o n 
Artist's Bio 
Purchase Prints 
B l o g  
April, 2015 
March, 2015 
February, 2015 

All site contents copyright 2015 by Edward W. Farrell
This page last updated on 2015.03.01