Ed Farrell Fine Art Photography
E d w a r d  W.  F a r r e l l    P h o t  o  g  r  a  p  h  y  

A l a b a m a   H i l l s   G a l l e r y 
The Alabama Hills are in the southern Owens Valley, west of Lone Pine, California. They are a large collection of boulders of the the most amazing sort; piles of such boulders in fact. They are rather attractive as boulders go. Perhaps it's for this reason that many Hollywood films have chosen the Alabama Hills as a location to film westerns.
Boulders, Alabama Hills

Boulders in the Alabama Hills, Owens Valley, California. The Alabama Hills are a large collection of boulders of this sort; piles of such boulders in fact. They are rather attractive as boulders go. Perhaps it's for this reason that many Hollywood films have chosen the Alabama Hills as a location to film westerns.
Prints available in the following sizes.
Please query for stock use.
O t h e r   P h o t o   D a t a
September 9, 2006
Nikon D2X
Hand held
f6.3, 1/800 second
ISO 100
Tall Boulders, Alabama Hills

More Alabama Hill Boulders, Owens Valley, California. These are atypical stonhenge-type boulders--not many like this in the hills.
Prints available in the following sizes.
Please query for stock use.
O t h e r   P h o t o   D a t a
September 9, 2006
Nikon D2X
Hand held
f7.1, 1/320 second
ISO 100
Rock Shapes, Alabama Hills

Shapes in the Alabama Hills take quite a variety, from jumbled piles to the fluid writhings seen here. Keynot Peak is in the background.
Prints available in the following sizes.
Please query for stock use.
O t h e r   P h o t o   D a t a
September 9, 2006
Nikon D2X
Hand held
f7.1, 1/500 second
ISO 100
Monolith Walls, Alabama Hills

Here are some boulders joined so tightly as to appear monolithic.
Prints available in the following sizes.
Please query for stock use.
O t h e r   P h o t o   D a t a
September 9, 2006
Nikon D2X
Hand held
f7.1, 1/640 second
ISO 100
A Delicate Pile

Here's a delicately poised pile of boulders the size of small cars.
Prints available in the following sizes.
Please query for stock use.
O t h e r   P h o t o   D a t a
September 9, 2006
Nikon D2X
Hand held
f7.1, 1/800 second
ISO 100
Boulder Hypnosis

Swirling boulder patterns become a bit hypnotic the more you stare at them.
Prints available in the following sizes.
Please query for stock use.
O t h e r   P h o t o   D a t a
September 9, 2006
Nikon D2X
Hand held
f7.1, 1/400 second
ISO 100
Gargantuan Piles

Gargantuan piles of stone fractured into boulders.
Prints available in the following sizes.
Please query for stock use.
O t h e r   P h o t o   D a t a
September 9, 2006
Nikon D2X
Hand held
f6.3, 1/640 second
ISO 100
A l l  P h o t o  G a l l e r i e s 
Photo of the month 
New Additions 
Alaska (aerial) 
British Columbia, Bella Coola 
California, Alabama Hills 
California, central coast 
California, central valley 
California, Death Valley 
California, Livermore Valley 
California, Sierra north 
California, Sierra south 
California, White Mountains 
California, Yosemite 
California, southern coast 
Europe, Russia 
Europe, Spain 
Europe, Italy 
Mexico, Michoacan 
Mexico, Monte Alban 
Midwestern US, Chicago 
Northwest, Cascades 
Northwest, Oregon Coast 
Northwest, Puget Sound 
Northwest, Toad Mountain 
Southwest, New Mexico 
Southeast Asia, Vietnam 
Close ups, flowers 
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April, 2015 
March, 2015 
February, 2015 

All site contents copyright 2015 by Edward W. Farrell
This page last updated on 2015.02.19